Giovanni Petrucci
Giovanni Petrucci is an Italian sports director. Born in Rome, Petrucci was the president of CONI for the fourth consecutive term that ended after the Games of the XXX Olympiad of 2012.
Giovanni Petrucci is an Italian sports director. Born in Rome, Petrucci was the president of CONI for the fourth consecutive term that ended after the Games of the XXX Olympiad of 2012.
در گردشى دسته جمعى در یك جزیره غیرمسكونى، آنا ناپدید میشود و دوستانش به جستجوى او میپردازند. این جستجو معشوق آنا، ساندرو را به دوست او كلودیا نزدیك میكند...